The Big Gay Survey 2016

Since The Queerness was launched last year, we’ve made no secret of the fact that some cisgender gay men need to, well, do a bit better, frankly.

We decided to get to the bottom of the situation with The Big Gay Survey 2016. We are inviting British cisgender gay men to tell us about themselves, their experiences and views. We will then summarise the results of the survey in an article.

Are cisgender gay men really obsessed with chemsex, a reported so often in the media? Do they recognise their social privilege and promote intersectionality? Do they see ‘marriage equality’ as the end of the battle for LGBTQ+ equality?

We’d love UK-based cisgender gay men to follow this link to complete the survey and to share it widely so that we have as accurate a picture as possible.

Thanks in advance!

Follow The Queerness on Twitter (@TheQueerness)

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