An image of a person with an oversized maternity dress, with a sign saying my body my choice

Overturning Roe vs Wade

Noah Rue our newest international guest writer discusses how the overturning of Roe v. Wade can affect the queer community in the U.S as well as its global implications and how the U.K. queer community can show up and help fight against the warped logic of the far right to protect the right to legal and safe abortions everywhere.

Why we need gender recognition reform

Guest writer Sophie Robinson discusses why we need to de-bunk the myths surrounding reform of the Gender Recognition Act and Self-Declaration.

Trade unions and us

Joint editors, Lee Williscroft-Ferris and Annette Pryce, reflect on this years TUC LGBT+ conference, and why it is necessary to be in a union.

What now for Northern Ireland and marriage equality?

Annette Pryce takes a look at the situation as it stands now in Northern Ireland for equal marriage.

Dealing with Jo Johnson, Julie Bindel, and your racist Uncle

Minister Jo Johnson threatens to fine universities for not "allowing free speech" and the BBC uncritically wheels out Julie Bindel on Boxing day to support the Tory. Sam Hope explores the growing phenomenon of "free speech" authoritarianism

Feminism does not have to be trans-exclusionary

Annette Pryce discusses the use of a well known phrase.

Trade unions: Is solidarity really forever?

Annette Pryce analyses the progress of the trade union movement in light of some negative reactions to the reform of the Gender Recognition Act.

Being queer isn’t a moral question – how you vote is

Is coming out as a Tory comparable to coming out as queer? Short answer: no. Louise McCudden explores why.

What do you believe in, Tim Farron?

Guest writer and Biblical scholar, Jo Henderson-Merrygold, takes a look at the stated reasons behind Tim Farron's resignation as Liberal Democrat leader.

Who are the DUP and why should we worry?

On the back of the announcement of the hung parliament Dónal Murray-Ferris profiles just who exactly the DUP are, and why this doesn't promise a good future for the LGBTQ+ community