Cracking the Dating Struggles of Gen Z Gay Men – What Are They and How to Cope

Dating is a challenge at any age, we can all agree. But dating as a Gen Z, especially if you identify as an LGBT member, is an entirely different game. Generation Z was brought up in a setting that defies traditional norms, so their dating habits will be quite different from the generation before or older. Most of them won’t even consider the idea of marriage before giving it a test run living together. Not to mention that dating apps are the norm of dating, as they are so used to existing in the digital landscape. But, what are some typical struggles for Gen Z gay men, and what are the best strategies to overcome them? Let’s dive deeper.

There are so many different dating terms

The ick.


Are any of these familiar to you? They probably are, and there are many more different dating terms. You can be many things with one person, but are you a couple and exclusive? That’s something many Gen Z gay men struggle with as it appears all these terms are the preferred norm over calling the relationship a relationship.

Casual is normal

Casual sexual relationships are normal for Gen Z as they are aware that not every relationship is meant to be permanent. Some people are meant to occupy just one page of a chapter in the Gen Z Book of life. The relationship may be one date long as you enjoy yourself on a fun and cute date. Especially in the gay community, setting up expectations upfront is crucial to saving people or yourself from any disappointment. 

The ghost

Any other generation will be appalled by the idea of not calling someone you are dating to break up with them. In the gay Gen Z community, ghosting is common. Even though people know that this can happen, it has probably happened by now, they still struggle with being ghosted. Communication among Gen Zrs is mostly done through text, so ignoring someone’s text for them is a way to save themselves from uncomfortable conversations. 

Online dating overload

Gen Z is the digital age generation, so using apps in any aspect of life is common. Using dating apps to meet people is more common in Gen Z than in other age groups. However, the swiping culture also leads to anxiety, disappointment, and many casual relationships, even when you are ready to find something with meaning. With the online dating overload, it is no surprise that Gen Z found a solution to this by using the services of Beau Brummell Introductions gay matchmaking services. This is all about finding the perfect match, but one that is not based on the swipe right motion but on a person’s needs and compatibility. 

Fear of rejection

Fear of rejection is more common in gay dating than in any other one, as you never know if a person is out. Discrimination is real even in the Gen Z community, even if we say that the highest percentage of people who identify as gay is among the Gen Z population. 

The fear of rejection stings is real as the pain of it is almost unavoidable, and it can be paralysing. It can trigger all these negative beliefs a person has, even if they are deeply in tune with themselves and know their worth. But it’s better to be rejected than wonder what would have happened if only you’d tried. The key here is to work on your confidence, build it from the inside and work on resilience and self-worth.

Authenticity vs. Safety

Balancing authenticity, staying true to yourself, and being safe is a delicate task. Everyone who rejects the stereotypes is already authentic, and gay people are the epitome of authenticity. 

Be authentic, but also prioritise safety and security over anything else. Trust your instincts and decide when and how to reveal personal information.

These are just some of the struggles Gen Z gay men face in the dating world. However, there’s always solace and safety in building a community of people you trust and feel safe to be authentic. And if you’re still searching for love, don’t hesitate to explore the option of professional matchmaking. Love is out there, waiting to be discovered, and with the right strategies and support, it’s closer than you think.

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