The LGBTQ+ community only cares about one kind of love

Steph Farnsworth argues that the community needs to be more accepting of different kinds of queer love

Give us your funding

Steph Farnsworth argues that if we're serious about mental health, we need to prioritise those most marginalised. 

The LGBTQ+ community needs to talk about polyamory

Stephanie Farnsworth argues why the community needs to start being inclusive towards polyamorous queer people.

You are queer enough

Steph Farnsworth pulls apart the myth that certain identities are "less queer" than others.

We need to stop hating on ace members of the community

Stephanie Farnsworth takes apart the acephobia in the LGBTQ+ community

It’s 2017 and nobody knows what ‘aro’ means

Stephanie Farnsworth tackles the myths being pushed about aromantic identities.

How Overwatch changed gaming

For gaming month, Stephanie Farnsworth looks at what made Overwatch so successful.

In celebration of Mass Effect

Ahead of the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda, Stephanie Farnsworth looks back at the franchise's original trilogy.

Queerbate: how do we deliver SRE in schools?

As the Conservative Party have once again blocked moves for schools to teach an inclusive approach to sex and relationships, Stephanie and Karen examine the issue and what can be done now.

Book Review: And the Band Played On

Stephanie Farnsworth reviews 'And the Band Played On', one of the most detailed books documenting the AIDS crisis of the 1980s.