
Building Bridges to Inclusion: Strategies for Fostering a Diverse and Empowered Work Environment

In addition to being morally required, fostering an inclusive workplace has strategic benefits for businesses. Employees are more engaged, creative, and productive when they feel respected, valued, and included. In this post, we'll look at five essential tactics for creating a more welcoming workplace, from hiring procedures to creating a sense of community. Implement Inclusive … Continue reading Building Bridges to Inclusion: Strategies for Fostering a Diverse and Empowered Work Environment

Trade unions and us

Joint editors, Lee Williscroft-Ferris and Annette Pryce, reflect on this years TUC LGBT+ conference, and why it is necessary to be in a union.

LGBT History Month: Trans workers survey

Totaljobs are conducting research on the challenges faced by trans employees in 2016 Britain. Lee Williscroft-Ferris gives more detail.